Back Garden Bingo: Avoiding Corona Boredom
As we head into the third week of social distancing, with the weather changing for the better and there being concerns that the daily exercise time could be lost due to the actions of a few- this is a simple activity that you can do together, to see more in your garden. It is inspired from the Wild Bingo activity that I do as part of the Leave No Trace Awareness workshops we deliver, intending to get people to notice what’s around them, so they can then appreciate it more. This is something that you might spend 20 minutes doing, but it’s 20 minutes outside, in the fresh air, staying active and remaining positive!

So, it’s a simple idea, there’s 36 possible things you could find in your garden- if you print it off, then go into the garden and see which of the things you can find! Mark the squares of the things you have found, the first one to get either from one side of the grid to the other, or from the top to the bottom is the winner- and ha to shout bingo… (obvs…).
The grid is available as a pdf here; when you open it, it will be A4, with two grids per page- so they will need cutting in half. They do need printing unfortunately (fingers crossed you’ve got a printer!), if not- you could write the grids out on plain paper!
Quite aware that everything I have shared up until now is intended for use in a back garden, and some people don’t have a garden. Therefore, I’ve put this one together- Bingo Out Your Front Window. You could also print the Wild Bingo out and do that one whilst you’re on a walk for your daily exercise!
In the next day or two I intend to share with you some ideas for making quills, the Japanese art of Hapa Zome, and swing knitting off the washing line. Stay safe. Morgan